Why Parents Love LDS

Thank you for stopping by the LDS fan’s section. Please enjoy reading what some of our fans have to say about their personal experiences with London Day School. Then, if you’d like to share your uniquely positive experience, just post your comment below.


“My 2 kids have graduated from The London Day School (LDS) in Florham Park. I saw that LDS set my older son on path to success earlier on . He excelled in school thanks to the right foundation that was established at LDS . Seeing how well my older son was prepared for KG when he graduated, it was a no brainier that his brother should follow his footsteps. The teacher are caring and loving while giving students instructions in letters & numbers. Students explore subjects such as science in a fun way . Teachers approach instructing each topic in playful way where it allows students to have fun while captivating their curious minds.”
-Vidhu Kapadia

“When our daughter entered public school after attending the program at The London Day School, we were so happy to hear that she was one of the best prepared for the academic program ahead.”
-Lynn Williams

“Our son DJ had the privilege of attending the London Day School for two years until my job relocated me to another area. We could not have been more pleased with the level of care, attention, and academic instruction he received while he was a student there. Danielle Lindner has built a school with a loving and nurturing environment, genuine focus and understanding of each child’s needs, world class teachers, and great communication with parents. DJ was given a solid foundation of ABCs and 123s, but was also nurtured and loved in a way that every parent would want their child to be when out of their own care. We loved the London Day School and thank them for giving our son a truly wonderful first experience at school!”
-Maureen Allen

During this time of year when we express gratitude for those things in our lives for which we are grateful, I would be remiss if I didn’t personally thank you for the love, support, patience, guidance and teaching you have given not only to our beloved Emma but to Ernie and I as well. As you know, I researched carefully eight different places for Emma and I knew in my gut when I met Danielle and saw The London Day School that this was a fit. You also know that even when I had found this “fit” I was still unwilling to let her go even though I knew in my heart this was the place for her. People warned me when I was pregnant that I would never feel a love like the one you feel for your children, boy, did they understate the tidal wave of emotion I would feel. Watching Emma blossom and grow, especially since her time at LDS, leaves me beaming with pride and joy. Seeing her making friends and getting to hear about her personality through other people’s eyes is a gift, each and every day.

So, as we move into this Thanksgiving break, I thank you, sincerely and humbly, for the tremendous work you do with all of our kids, but especially with my own. I thank you for the hugs you have shared with Emma and with me, for the tears you have helped to soothe, both with Emma and me. I could not ask for better individuals to share in this journey with us. You are remarkable people and you do AMAZING work. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-Roz and Ernie and Emma

The London Day School is an extraordinary school run and staffed by extraordinary people.When visiting schools in which to potentially enroll our son, we noticed that all schools appeared to teach the basics such as letter and number recognition, sound recognition, and reading.The London Day School, however, incorporated into its curriculum things that other schools did not even consider.

For example, the London Day School emphasizes character education, kindness, citizenship, and empathy in addition to cultural appreciation, music, drama, healthy eating, physical fitness, and language education.Certainly, everyone wants their children to be smart and successful.My husband and I, however, are also particularly interested in raising well-rounded children who truly care about the people and the world around them.So you can imagine our excitement when we walked into a good-natured and gentle empathy lesson during our first visit to the school.

We were only more thrilled to learn that “empathy” is a cornerstone of the school’s curriculum.We also love that LDS places a great importance on doing kind things for others such as drawing cards for our servicemen during the holidays, collecting food for those less fortunate, as well as collecting backpacks and books for foster children. The teachers’ ability to use those efforts as teaching exercises in the character education program is astounding and their ability to explain to my now-four year old that there really are children less fortunate them him is invaluable.Additionally, when visiting other schools we often noticed that teachers were . . . well . . . teaching — meaning that they were standing in the front of the room or in the center of the circle talking to or at the children.I have never witnessed a teacher do that at the London Day School.Instead, the LDS teachers are always engaged with the children at their level.

For example, the teachers sit on the floor with the children during play time and/or while reading.They also sit at the tables with them (in those tiny little chairs) while eating and simultaneously providing stellar examples of “good manners”.In their efforts to emphasize health and fitness, they also engage in the children in a GYM (Get Yourself Moving program) that teaches coordination through play, dance, yoga, traditional exercises, and stretching in a fun and enthusiastic manner.And the children grow their own food in a vegetable garden in the school’s green house while learning about sustainability and healthy eating.

To call the underpinnings of the London Day School’s teachings a curriculum does not do that wonderful school justice.They have a Super-Curriculum that appears to be designed and implemented by amazing and talented individuals with a real love for children and the world around them!

I suppose that the difference between this and other schools are plentiful but perhaps those differences can all be summed up by saying that the teachers provide educational, arts, and emotional lessons through example in a caring and loving way, which makes the children yearn for more!
-Claudia Reis-Gorman – Parent

LDS is a very nurturing environment. The phenomenal teachers, staff and administration take a vested interest in the development of each student. As a parent, we highly recommend this school to others!!
-Reena P.

Great new school with much potential! Danielle is a delight and staff members are warm and caring. Highly recommended!

Gracie couldn’t wait to get back to school after the LDS summer program ended. She’s grown so much in such a short time. LDS has not only enhanced her social skills, but has also shown us her love for learning and independence. The staff is amazing… simply amazing.
-Andrea Shemeley

My son has flourished both academically and socially at the London Day School. There isn’t a day that goes by that he does not learn something new there and a once shy boy around other children is now proudly responsible for calendar duty and able to hold his own in any crowd. This is a wonderful school run by wonderful caring people who are truly interested in the success of these children.
– Scott G.

Our son is so excited each morning on his way to school and talks endlessly about his day. We have visited the school many times at different times of the day and the children always seem so engaged and happy.

Enrichment Based Preschool and Kindergarten